Applications: Databases and Servers


We introduce databases and application servers developed by us.

IDEAL: Intrinsically Disordered proteins with Extensive Annotations and Literature

IDEALは天然変性タンパク質のデータベースです.2009年から,国立遺伝学研究所,前橋工科大学,名古屋大学の共同プロジェクトとして開発を始めました.現在,DisProtと並び,世界標準の天然変性タンパク質,アノテーションデータベースとして知られています.天然変性領域にある結合相手のタンパク質との結合部位(Protean segments)にも着目して,データを集めています.

IDEAL is a database of intrinsically disordered proteins (IDP). Since 2009, we started this project as a collaboration with National Institute of Genetics and Maebashi Institute of Technology. Currently, IDEAL is known as a standard database of IDP, as well as DisProt. It also focused on and collects Protean segments, interaction regions within intrinsically disordered regions.

PSCDB: Protein Structural Change DataBase


PSCDB is a database of protein structural changes seen in PDB structures. As protein structural changes, we know domain motions and local (loop) motions. PSCDB pays attention to the correlation of these motions and ligand binding, and classifies structural changes, and displays them.

SCPC: Structural Comparison of Protein Complexes


SCPC compares two structures of protein complex, and identify similar sub-structures: subunit pairs in the complexes. There are a lot of methods for protein structure comparison in the monomeric forms, but comparison methods for protein complexes are rare. SCPC examines structures of each subunit, and their configurations progressively, instead of whole structures at once. Therefore, identifications of protein interfaces are characteristic.

Motion Tree


Motion Tree analyzes two protein structures of an identical protein, and identifies structural changes and describes them. Protein structural changes are usually represented by rigid body motions. Motion Tree identifies any rigid bodies, not only for large domain motions but also for small loop motions, and illustrates them hierarchically using dendrogram. We provide Motion Tree server which inputs structures and outputs s dendrogram, and Motion Tree database which demonstrates structural changes in the PDB.

MICAN: Multiple-chain complexes, Inverse direction of secondary structures, Cα only models, Alternative alignments, and Non-sequential alignments


MICAN aligns two protein structures. It detects spatially similar arrangements of secondary structural elements (SSEs) very rapidly, regardless of their connectivity in protein sequence, and placements of their N and C terminus. This kind of manner is called as non-sequential structure alignment. Since MICAN also presents sequential structure alignment, it is applicable to a wide range of investigations. Sequential, re-wiring, and reverse modes are available.